Hello! This is Zoey. She's my best friend! This chica has been through so much and she's an amazing example of strength to me! As you can see her left eye is really puffy...it turns out she has a staff infection in her eyelid! She had a staff infection last year too, except not on her eye, it was in her sinuses. She also has a broken ankle. She broke it about a month ago and still has to wear a boot for quite a while longer. On top of this she works full time and goes to school full time, and she's setting herself up to graduate next May!
Even after all she's gone through, she is still a major support to me! She's been right there with me through this whole deciding on surgery stuff. She's just as excited as me! I've got 15 days left! On Wednesday I start a 1,000 calorie a day diet. This will shrink my liver so the operation will go smoother. Zoey has said she is going to go on a diet along with me. (Although I don't think she needs to!) Anyway, I really appreciate Zoey and I wanted to thank her publically for her tremendous support! Thanks Zoey!