My Weight Loss Tracker

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Happy Memorial Day!

A day late, I know, but hope all had a Happy Memorial Day--even despite the rain! We had a BBQ as a family at my sister, Nicole's house. It was great to get together with my siblings and my mom. Lots of laughter and games.

I'm very grateful for all the soldiers that fight for the freedom of this country and for those that have sacrificed their life for that very cause.

Melissa is home from her surgery. Thursday night is when she came home. Just one day at the hospital. She's doing so much better with the water than I did. I think she learned all the don'ts through me! :) I'm afraid she's going to catch up with me or even surpass me. I can't let that happen! (not that its a race, but I can't lose!) :) So the game is on! Although I do have more to lose than her so I should win. But wish me luck anyway!


Mostly Jessica said...

Good luck! I hope you win. Wait a minute. What race are we talking about?

Unknown said...

HOLY COW!!! I haven't seen you since before the surgery and now you are down alomst fity pounds, I am not going to recognize you when I finally come back into the office!!! Good luck and let the games begin...though we all know that you will kick Mel's trash!!