My Weight Loss Tracker

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My New Found Addiction!

Yes, I just said addiction. I'm not so sure how "new" it is though. Our former GM put a great idea to work. He made a game room in our building. All hale the foosball table! Yes, yes I'm addicted to the game. I need to play at least two times a day. The reason(s) I am not sure of. Maybe its an outlet for unexplained anger. Maybe its a way to alieviate stress. Or maybe its because it feels down right amazing to beat Ron! I've always underestimated the fun of the game....and boy have I been wasting my life away! :o) If you are ever near a foosball table, don't just pass it by, grab an opponent and dive into the game! You won't be sorry!


Mostly Jessica said...

Too bad you don't get that amazing feeling very often.

Katie said...

You keep telling yourself that...